
TV guide.

It's a big TV night, people. Rest easy. The NB is here to help.

8 p.m.: GRAMMY Awards vs. "American Idol"
This is tough because essentially these are the same. Here's the plan: tune in to the beginning of the GRAMMYs to see the big Madonna/Gorillaz opening number and then switch to "Idol" for relief from the terrible singing you've just experienced.

9 p.m.: GRAMMY Awards vs. "Lost" vs. "Veronica Mars"
A few months ago there would not have been any question. "Lost" was hotter than a non-animated Damon Albarn. Now it seems as if Pat Robertson may crawl out of the hatch and turn Claire's baby into a pillar of salt. How about this: Start with "Lost" and see where it goes. If Claire's baby is shown wearing a crown of thorns and floating over a flock of doves, immediately turn to "Veronica Mars" and try to figure out what's going on even though you've never seen an episode. In either case, switch to the GRAMMYs on commercial breaks just to see what Mariah Carey is winning.

10 p.m.: GRAMMY Awards vs. "Project Runway"
As Daniel V. has immunity tonight, the show could either be chock-full of Daniel or devoid of Daniel. Tune in to see which it is and to see if tonight's challenge has the remaining contestants creating actual clothing or a skirt made from the zest of three lemons. If it's clothing, stay until 10:45. Kara's going home (if she doesn't, something's scientifically wrong), so it's OK to switch to the GRAMMYs to see if Mariah's mascara has run as she accepts her 23rd award.

Note to straight men:
For the 1,326th night in a row, Spike is showing The Shawshank Redemption at 9 p.m. You are expected to watch that. (We assume the producers of the GRAMMYs are aware of this and have appropriately scheduled the 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. block to be tit-heavy.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was very helpful, Nervous! Thank you!