Regarding Atlanta, let's just say we lived an entire life in 10 days. As scared as we are of the South, we hold a special fondness for Atlanta. It's a city filled with nice people who are forced to drive on roads 18 lanes too narrow to accommodate the traffic.
There's the wonderful new Renzo Piano-designed addition to the
High Museum of Art...

In the Ansley Park area of town, we found some swings, each with a plaque dedicated to the memory of a loved one...

Well, mostly...

There's also Piedmont Park, the kind-of-wonderful/kind-of-horrifying square of green in the middle of Midtown. It has a Holocaust, sorry, marathon statue sponsored by Asics and Power Bar.

There's also a homeless man living in one of the stalls of the public restroom near the children's playground. He was camera shy, but he says hello. He also takes offense to being called homeless, so, you know, we apologize.
We did get a pic of this man, having a nap in the sun.

Atlanta also hosts this sign at a
Mexican restaurant...

...My Bling Bling Barbies at Target...

...and Veterans for Peace protests every Friday afternoon in Midtown.

The protests are almost as important as Bling Bling Barbies but not even close to the sign. Nothing is.
It is true that Atlanta also is home to the
world's largest aquarium. 1.) Any attraction can be the "world's largest" if you place a giant open space in the middle. We found the Georgia Aquarium to be more like the world's largest food court. 2.) Alas, never, EVER go there. If you've ever snorkled, you've seen most of what the place has to offer. Well, except for the people...

Atlanta also features
Swinging Richards, home to other large things. We went there, but we have no photos. You wouldn't want to see them, anyway. Trust.
We also almost had an opportunity to get up close to the
smallpox. Seriously. We'll continue to work on that for you.
As for the nice people we mentioned, yes, we have pics of some of them, but, no, we don't post pics of others on the Interwebs. It's only fair. But we can tell you this...they're waaaaaaaaay hot. Way. Hot.
You know, it's almost as if this plaque (what's with all the plaques?) sums up our feelings exactly...

We'll see you in a month, gentle lady. Now, it's time for a refreshment break...