
And a Rudy in a pear tree.

Our friend Tim yesterday was all, “You gots to updates your blogs.” And we were all, “You try living with the fallout of having a steam pipe explode in front of your building and imagining you’re going to die with YOUR OFFICEMATES.”

However, because we like Tim, we’re updating today with a special “Christmas in July” post! We proudly bring you all five parts of Andy Williams’s NBC Kids Christmas Special in which you’ll enjoy Andy’s holiday shenanigans with Soleil Moon Frye, Tempestt Bledsoe, Joey AND Matthew Lawrence, Alfonso Ribeiro and… Mindy Cohn (among others)!

Pour yourself a frosty mug o’ egg nog, kindle some wood in the fireplace and relive some fantastic memories of a time when NBC made true Must-See TV®. Merry Christmas!


Diary of a mad actress.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. In the mid 1980s, James Kirkwood, one of the book-writers of the musical A Chorus Line, wrote a play called Legends!, a comedy about two aging film legends reunited to help finance a producer's movie. The parts were played by Carol Channing and Mary Martin, and after the play flopped out of town, Kirkwood wrote a book, Diary of a Mad Playwright, chronicling the backstage antics of the two ladies. (The book, though about as well-written as Legends!, is still definitely worth reading if only to get a picture of two legendary old broads misbehaving.)

This year, Joan Collins and Linda Evans starred in a touring revival of the play. Though Kirkwood passed away in 1989, Collins apparently took it upon herself to keep her own backstage diary of the current production, which the UK's Daily Mail has so graciously printed excerpts of here. We could post the Linda-Evans-effacing highlights, but that would mean you might not read the other parts, which are also Linda-Evans-effacing highlights. Rather, pour yourself a flute of champagne, click on the above link, put on your best Alexis Carrington voice and read aloud the scintillating, saucy ramblings of a self-regarded legend.



Oh, and please enjoy this website (starring our new fake boyfriend, Michael Cera (hey—he's legal!)) and the glories therein.


After all this time, it turns out it's not dog.

We feel pretty tonight somewhere.

You could combine Cher's defunct gothic tchotchke catalog, "Sanctuary," with her entire Bob Mackie wardrobe, and the result still wouldn't even come close to being as breathtakingly gay as what's below. Enjoy!


Old clips bite tenderly.

Happy July! It's 7/7/07, and because people seem to care about that, we decided to post. What do we have for you today? Unfortunately, it's nothing that involves Bea Arthur or original songs about a national tragedy. However, because we missed posting on Independence Day, we thought today we'd do a better-late-than-never tribute to July 4, 1776, the day on which we so proudly claimed our independence from Japan. You may have seen some of these truly inspired clips on other, more...active, sites, but, really, does human Tetris really ever get old?
