First, today Hallmark Hall of Fame ran a full-page ad in Variety to persuade Emmy voters to consider Rosie O'Donnell's retarded performance in Riding the Bus with My Sister for an award. Apparently a retarded person was also in charge of scanning the ad for TVGasm. Here it is...

Now, please pay special attention to the last quote, the one from the New York Times that reads "...shouts 'first-class production' and 'Emmy bid.'" We remember that New York Times review because Virginia Heffernan, a very funny lady, wrote it. It did not, absolutely, in no way, praise anything about the film. The last line of the review, in fact, reads as thus: "This is a deeply—even thrillingly—embarrassing movie." This, friends, is what happens when brilliant producers (in this case, Rosie O'Donnell) take quotes out of context. The above, Emmy-trawling quote in context? Here you go...
"As Beth, Ms. O'Donnell dresses in wacky childish clothes and talks in a volume-inappropriate way and wears mismatched shoes and rides a hilarious bus around and around with her motley bus family. She annoys and enlightens the people she meets. And at times she shouts, in a voice you can probably imagine, ''I am a person!'' Directed by Anjelica Huston, with music by Stewart Copeland, ''Riding the Bus With My Sister,'' a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation, also shouts ''first-class production'' and ''Emmy bid.'' And yet."
Nice work, Rosie. Nice work. Still, wethinks you'll be Emmy-free come September. In case you forgot, here's why.
As well, TVGasm lead us to this clip of "American Idol" retard Constantine Maroulis falling on his retarded ass.

Seriously, my little brother once had a nightmare about Rosie O'Donnell terrorizing our family. I really didn't understand why, but now I know. That was back when she just had a talk-show.
But, let's face it: What other roles would you cast her in if not a retard role?
"What other roles would you cast her in if not a retard role?"
Well, she's a natural at playing a cranky, fat, third-hand Long Island Irish broad who didn't nail down a cop or a firefighter after getting shoved out of high school, so, naturally, she went gay...since nunning it up was never an option.
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