
House of Clay Aiken.

If you'd like to buy a 6-bedroom gay of a house, otherwise known as Chez Clay Aiken, please go here. During our tour, we were only able to find one Star Jonesian self-portrait of him...

...but we didn't look too hard. We are able to say that, should you purchase the house, you will be getting a never-before-used sports court. As well, there is a massage room and sauna, which, obviously we were far too nervous to look at. The asking price is $2,495,000, but we understand that California Claymates are eligible for a 10% markup. Intern Josefine is begging us to purchase it, but 7,832 square feet is far too much for us. We're happy with our new 300-square-feet, 4th-floor walkup, and so will you be, Josefine. Now get moving.

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