
Ann Jillian, motivatress.

We fondly remember Ann Jillian as a brassy waitress and perpetual Bob Hope sidekick, but she's now a motivational speaker. If this quote entices you...

"If audience's are not having fun, then the important message got lost!"
... Ann Jillian

...then the important message did not get lost and you should hire Jillian for one of four programs: "Never Had a Bad Day in My Life," "Surviving & Thriving," "The Winner in You" and "A Conversation with Ann Jillian." We would obviously choose "A Conversation with Ann Jillian" because we hate ampersands and so we could ask her if she really thought Bob Hope was funny. And what was it like to work with Crystal Bernard, pre-Wings. And, fine, we'd ask her about the cancer, but only how it related to her work in Circus of the Stars.

There's also a place on her site where you can listen to clips of Ann singing, except that you can't because it's all under construction. You'll have to settle for this quote:

Ann recently made her third performance with the Delaware Symphony - she's always a sellout.

Finally, there's...nothing else. That's about it. We do have a sneaking suspicion that Olivia Cohen is the author of Jillian's site, though.

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