
Room service, please.

We're glad to see we're not the only ones using interns. Lifetime apparently hired its nighttime cleaning crew to design the section of its site dedicated to the "Golden Palace." The only real feature of the section is the "Golden Palace" message board. We were going to post some highlights, but there aren't any. There seem to be three kinds of people posting on the board, however: 1) Those who love everything "Golden Girls" and would laugh at Blanche if she farted during talking about sex, 2) Those who can't wait to see if the "Golden Palace" continues to be as good as its first episode, as if it hadn't been canceled after a season. In 1993. And 3) Those who realize how crappy the show is and try to critically dissect it so as not to piss off the people described above in category #1.

We watched the first episode last night and, despite some zesty zingers from reliable Sophia, we fall squarely into category #3. Easily. There's a kid on it.

Anyway, obviously we're going to watch every single episode. They're on at 6:30 and 11:00 p.m. EST.

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