
Edicion Cinco de Mayo: ¡Katie con herpes!

Univision cuts to the chase and flat-out declares that Katie Holmes has herpes. We don't know a lick of Spanish, but we guess this lede...

"El nuevo amor de Tom Cruise sufre herpes"

...means that the new love of Tom Cruise suffers from herpes. In typical passionate Latin fashion, the article quickly goes on to give a description of herpes simplex 1, when it can flair up and what to do about it. Or, in this case, we assume they mean "what Katie Holmes can do about it." Again, we don't know word one of Spanish, so we're relying on instinct. But we do have to say that there's a piñata-ful of information about the herpes available on the Web site thanks to Holmes, so, if any of it applies to you, please get treatment. Gracias.

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