Arthur Miller, responsible for Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, is dead. That's certainly a loss to the theater community, though the past decade has seen Mr. Miller pretty much complaining about the state of the current theater scene and myriad other things, which made us kind of think of him as a sad, bitter old man. Also, Mr. Miller never wrote me back when I sent him a letter in high school to tell him my original score for a production of The Crucible netted me some scholarship money. Tony Kushner and Stephen Sondheim all found time in their busy lives to correspond with me. What was wrong with you, Miller? Too annoyed at the world??? Asshole.
Kind of.
No, really, kidding!
Kind of.
No, really.
Hi there. We're at work, and we're not only bored but THIRSTY. We'd love to come over and wait for the delivery men with you. You can regale us with more stories about theater things. I won't listen, but Neil might.
Do you have ice?
Delivery men and the chance to listen to the Milmans have sex? Hell, I don't care if you have ice.
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