
Steel away.

OK, people, obviously we're kind of suffering a breakdown. Not a nervous breakdown. Just a regular, run-of-the-mill one. We've TROLLED the Interwebs looking for crap to entertain you with, and the well is dry. DRY. So, go enjoy the Janet Jackson nude sunbathing video if that's your thing. We won't tell. Us? We're going to peruse Site59 and pretend we're going on a last-minute, 70%-off vacation. Because the NB is a 24-hour job, we cannot actually partake of such lavish, yet economical, offerings. That doesn't mean you can't. Right now, you can go to Detroit WITH rental car for just $162! If pre-winter Michigan's not your thing, maybe you'd like to venture to Pittsburgh for just $186? Hmmm? OR, jet to Nassau in the Bahamas for just $291! It's like Detroit, only dirtier!

Anyhootsways, please enjoy your weekend. We plan to be back bright and earlyish on Monday, all ready to make you want to throw your computer out the window yet again.

Stay gold, folks!

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