
A Blair in the life: December 2005.

Jesus, found...

The teenage years not included, have you ever wondered why do we do the things we do? Especially at Christmas time! For instance, what in the world does a big pine tree with blinking bulbs and dangling doodads have to do with Baby Jesus? And can someone please tell me why we climb on top of our roofs, risking life and limb, to outline our houses with 40-watt icicles (in 70° weather, no less)? I'm not even going to bring up the whole fruitcake phenomenon.

A few years ago I decided enough was enough. I determined to make Christmas for our family more about the birth of the Savior and less about the death of the savings account. In an attempt to redeem the meaning I investigated all of the holiday traditions we were so blissfully, blindly following.

Guess what I found? Jesus! He was there when we dressed the evergreen tree, when Dad dressed up in a red suit, and when we ate turkey and dressing! Yes, we were caught up in all the trappings of Christmas but I discovered that it was neither the enemy nor the world that set the bait. It quickly became my desire to lure parents into the hustle and bustle of Christmas and then set them free to join their children in the celebration—guilt-free.

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