
Rainy gays and Wednesdays.

Friends, the NB is under the weather today. Oh, no, it's not the rain completely—we're also on some Tylenol 3 for some emergency plastic surgery we had done this morning. Yes, lucky us. And, lucky you, too! We're taking the day off! Today, why not visit some of the links over on the right-hand side of this heah blog? Say hi to some of our friends. They're good people, too.

"Lost" is on tonight. So is "Top Model." Janice Dickinson makes a special appearance on one of these shows. We won't tell you which. You'll just have to watch...


Anonymous said...

I'm seeing Fiddler tonight with a Miss Rosie O'Donnell, so I'm very disappointed that I will not be seeing Lost tonight. But also very excited that I WILL be seeing Rosie O'Donnell. And I can tape Lost and watch it later.
Not that you should care about any of this. But I thought I should share.

Unknown said...

My goddamn hotel room doesn't have UPN!!!! Tear...