Non-abductee, junior detective and sister to Elizabeth Smart, 13-year-old Mary Katherine Smart discusses her sister's kidnapping for the first time on tonight's
Primetime Live. We hope she'll talk about her parents' plans to have another child when they run out of existing ones to exploit.
Anyway, we always knew that little Mary Katherine was a whore for publicity.
Maybe if this family keeps having girls, they can match them up with the Culkins. 7 Abductees/Non-Abductees for 7 Overexposed/Exploited/Unknown Brothers...
This blog is as gay as mtv. I have an idea. Let's post a blog about the smart girls and pretend that we are not explioting there misfortune but claim that their parents are. Oh, let's say that a 13 year old girls is a whore for publicity so that we can get publicity for it. Good idea, eh!
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