
Who's your 'Who's Your Daddy?'?

Thank you, CNN, for ruining it for those who may have recorded it and not yet watched.

Question: Was that the same house used for 'The Littlest Groom'? And, if so, may we please get 'Who's Your Littlest Daddy?' ASAP?

Also, the statistical probability of our breast-implanted woman having correctly chosen her father out of eight men is, well, unlikely. (Just in case you don't think actual research was done to try to find out the actual odds, here's a link regarding the odds of having twins. Now shut up.) This implies that actors were involved. Also implying that actors were involved is the fact that seven grown, non-actual-father men, none of them purportedly actors, could cry on the spot. Jamie Lynn Siegler/DiScala can't even do that on 'The Sopranos,' and she's a real-life actress.

Thank you, Gawker, for this. I wonder if real daddy is still as proud.

Come on. Something better than this shit was on?

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