
The dancing nun.

Yesterday we reported on a report on a Belgian nun, Johanne Vertomme, who got in troubles for dancing "indecorously" with a missionary on Catholic Youth World Day (there was dancing??? We only got some cross-shaped funnel cake and two gummi rosaries). In our post, we asked if any of our reader wouldn't mind sending us the incriminating picture, as we were having trouble finding it.


Intern Maristita checked her email today and found something from one johannevertomme@dancefever.com (very, very clever). It included this:

So, ladies and gentlemen, there it is. A visual aid of what not to do on Catholic Youth World Domination Day. We are proud not only to have the pic in our possession but also to have our very own Deep Throat. Thank you "Johanne Vertomme" for sending us on our way to Woodward-and-Bernsteinland.

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