2001: A Space Odyssey
A Beautiful Mind
American Beauty
An American in Paris
Chariots of Fire
Easy Rider
Field of Dreams
Forrest Gump
Gone with the Wind
Good Will Hunting
Jules & Jim
Monster's Ball
Mystic River
The Red Shoes
The Wizard of Oz
Thank you, Premiere, for pointing out what a truly mediocre movie American Beauty is. There's more subversive and shocking commentary on suburbia on any episode of the "The Parkers." However. However. How DARE YOU include one of the greatest American movies ever made, Nashville, on that list. We suggest you find a copy of this movie immediately and return to your list after being reminded of the performances of Ronee Blakely, Henry Gibson, Lily Tomlin, Karen Black, Barbara Harris and everyone else in this stunning, thrilling, sad, hilarious movie. To think that you'd include Nashville on a list of overrated movies that's missing The English Patient is utterly, completely repulsive. If we had a subscription to your magazine, we'd cancel it immediately. For shame, Premiere. For shame.

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