You're killing tons of people like that Thai tsunami!
Because you are so similar, so similar
We'll forego Katrina and apply "tsunami"!
Oh, please would you stop, give it up.
Such an evil storm. Always churning up so much muck of the cajun kind.
My, my, my, yi, eye-—WHOO!
M-m-m-my tsunami!
Oh now what is happening? Happening?
Things are getting quiet. It's the eye, tsunami.
Keeping things all right would be, terribly
Easy, so again you make things fly, tsunami.
Oh, please would you stop, give it up.
Such an angry storm. Always churning up so much muck of the gumbo kind.
My, my, my, yi, eye-—WHOO!
M-m-m-my tsunami!
Just look at the Superdome, that mobile home,
Not to mention Paul Prudhomme. Why, tsunami?
We'll sit here all soaking wet. Where's my pet?
We cannot clean up until we're dry, tsunami.
Oh, please would you stop, give it up.
Such a beastly storm. Always churning up so much muck of the bayou kind.
My, my, my, yi, eye-—WHOO!
M-m-m-my tsunami!

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