
The NB Election Day 2005 coverage.

We have a surprising update from the exit polls...

As of 12:30pm, the votes were as follows:

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg (Rep.) — 50%

Fernando Ferrer (Dem.) — 50%

All districts in all boroughs reporting with two votes having been cast.

Yes, that's correct. Apparently the third voter has rescinded his/her vote since our last update. We now have only two votes counted in today's edge-of-your-seat NYC mayoral election. It's now neck-and-neck! What say you, Nell?

Oh, Nell, you didn't have to bring the Chief. We're sorry if we offended you. NOW GET BACK TO WORK.

Anyhoot, keep it tuned to the NB for sporadic, unpredictable election day updates.

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